Friday, 14 July 2017

final blog.

Dear every one who is reading

we are finally home.

On the way home we went out to Kings Canyon. We did a 8.4 km walk around the edge of the canyon. Kings Canyon has the best echo that we heard on our whole trip. It is like someone is calling back to you.

We rode camels at Stuarts Well.

We drove 850 kilometres one day to Woomera. Woomera was built by the Australian Army in the 1940s. We saw a canon that was used in WW2 as well as more modern rockets and other things that Gru from Dispicable Me would definitely use.

Another massive drive and we arrived at Keith for our last night out. Keith is a nice place. Strange name.

The highlights of this trip was: the car flooded.
Karajini. manning gorge.cape leveque. woomerra. keith

The best things I learned is that at salt mines they put saltwater into holes and the water evaporates and leaves only the salt. Salt is important for use in washing and cleaning detergents, glass and food, as well as treating leather. 

The North West Shelf is operated by Woodside, BHP, BP, Chevron, Shell and MIMI. It is a gas and oil project. They use big machines that are out in the ocean. They drill deep down into the earth below the ocean and suck up the oil and gas.  

for the last time from tom.


1 comment:

  1. Tom, your blog has been fantastic and we have loved following yours and Grace's adventures with your mum and Dad. The photos are amazing and we love looking back over them, as I am sure you will all do as well. Thank you for sharing it all with us. Much love from Nan and Pa xxxx
